Lamar Conerly Governance Lecture Series: Victor Apryshchenko

Lamar Conerly Governance Lecture Series: Victor Apryshchenko

February 24, 2023
1:30 pm

About this event

Professor Victor Apryshchenko, a visiting scholar with the Gagarin Center for Study of Civil Society and Human Rights at Bard College in New York , is the newest guest speaker in the Lamar Conerly Governance Lecture Series.

His research focuses on political history of Europe, including Russia; historical memory management in Europe and Russia; and theories of nation and nationalism. He is the author of monographs and articles on historical and social memory and European intellectual culture.  

Apryshchenko’s lecture will focus on the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the implications on both Russia and Ukraine, as well as the U.S.

Due to the generosity and loyalty of Lamar Conerly, the Governance Lecture Series is a free event open to students, faculty, staff, alumni and the general public.


Room 1050, Old Main Academic Center
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Quintara Miller
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